Automate User Password Resets in Active Directory with PowerShell

In this post, we will showcase a PowerShell script that automates the password reset process for user accounts in Active Directory. Managing user passwords efficiently is critical for maintaining security and compliance within organizations. This script allows administrators to reset the passwords for multiple users in bulk, streamlining the process and reducing the time spent on manual updates.
Here is the PowerShell script for resetting user passwords in Active Directory:

# Import the Active Directory module
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
# Define the new password and users
$newPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString "NewSecurePassword!" -AsPlainText -Force
$usersToReset = @("user1", "user2", "user3")  # Replace with actual usernames
# Reset password for each user
foreach ($user in $usersToReset) {
    try {
        Set-ADAccountPassword -Identity $user -NewPassword $newPassword -Reset
        Write-Host "Password for $user has been reset successfully." -ForegroundColor Green
    } catch {
        Write-Host "Failed to reset password for $user: $_" -ForegroundColor Red